1. Ooooh, this is something different this morning. Interesting that you chose to give the typical orange color of the fox to the background. We have a fox den in our woods but i very rarely see one. A hunter came to ask if he could hunt them and I sad NO! They leave us alone and we leave them alone. Foxes are one of my favorite animals in art – a friend and I have a sort of game of sending each other cards with foxes on them. My number one favorite is the owl though!

    Liked by 1 henkilö

    1. Thank you, Barbara, for commenting! I love foxes, too. This big one is not cute, it’s more wulf-like, but it’s a fox. I don’t know why I chose these colours, surely because of feeling. It’s so fine you said no to hunters, I agree!


      1. Yes !! – you are SO CLEVER !!!! Is there no end to the creative things you can do, Pirkko ? (Lino cuts and wood cuts – it takes a special talent !)


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